Welcome to the CAS club website!

Welcome to the Skyline CAS club, where we will help you find volunteer hours, scholarships, internships, while supplying you with a wealth of resources that will indefinitely infinitely boost your college resumes!

If you have any suggestion to make for the website, please come visit this form and tell me. Thank you!

Change log:

3/2/2020- monthly update

2/3/2020- adjusted some code, added biology resources, etc.

1/13/2020- added more bio resources and cleaned some things up.

12/2/2019- added bio resources, etc.

11/19/2019- cleaned up a few resources.

10/28/2019- added some biology resources.

10/14/2019- cleaned up a few assets.

9/30/2019- more hl bio resources

9/8/2019- added a chapter 1 outline for HL biology to prepare for the test. Resources -> menu -> group 4 -> HL biology

9/6/2019- There used to be an issue with the website loading on Google Chrome on laptops. A new change should be fixing this from now on. Thanks for the feedback!

9/2/2019- back to frequent updates with: HL Biology, English, Computer Science, TOK, History, Further Math.

8/30/2019- Worked on a few electronics guides. They will be rolled out later.

8/18/2019- removed numerous resources that did not seem as quality as others. Added some new pages and information regarding college apps. prepared website for the next school year.

5/14/2019- Instead of just linking to illegal sources on this website, I am going to start uploading more files (past IB papers and previous full AP tests). hopefully this should help attract more people to the website.

3/4/2019- bio quiz with 125 terms lmao, normally the tests are that long

2/23/2019- changes stufflike the old bebas neue

1/30/2019- added teacher review page lol

1/19/2019- added some more notes and stuff

12/31/2018- happy new years~! updated the biology quizlet, added some more various links, such as more scholarships and other notes that have been created recently. Changed some of the structure of the website.

12/21/2018- began adding embedded quizlet sets, very interactive! added some biology stuff. Added some pleas to be altruistic.

12/17/2018- added gimkit and updated chem section

12/6/2018- added biology stuff and more resources

11/26/2018- Biology, Chemistry updates. Added the Standardized Testing Page.

11/13/2018- Added more miscellaneous resources and also added many resources to the literature page. Finally added my APUSH resources from last year

10/31/2018- added some fifth business stuff chemistry

10/5/2018- fixed menus

10/3/2018- increased aesthetics in several pages and upgraded the cas club page

9/28/2018- spent like 10 hours working on the menus to make sure they work properly smh

9/25/2018- initial commit

Webdesign: Jeff Chen